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CIOMP delegation visited Japan sponsored by “Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science”

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From March 6th to 12th,at the invitation of prof. Uchimura in Shibaura Institute of Technology, under the leadership of prof. TIAN Dapeng, four staffs and three graduate students in CAS Key Lab of Airborne Optical Imaging and Measurement went to Tokyo for academic exchange.


Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science (SAKURA Exchange Program in Science) is one of the highest international exchange programs in Japan. It is a program for enhancing exchanges between Asia and Japan of the youths who will play a crucial role in the future field of science and technology by facilitating short-term visits of competent Asian youths to Japan. It is the first time that the group in CIOMP obtain the funding successfully.


From March 7th to 8th,CIOMP staffs were invited to visit Shibaura Institute of Technology and Tokyo University of Technology. They visited Uchimura Laboratory and the Laboratory. From March 9th to 11th,the group members communicated with teachers and students from Keio University, Mie University, Yokohama National University and Saitama University. Besides, prof. TIAN introduced the basic information, fundamental research, Industrialization and CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI), CIOMP international cooperation project, etc. The communication has also attracted researchers from USA, Turkey, Thailand, Australia, Chinese Taiwan. The both sides made an in-depth discussion on their research progress and the potential international cooperation.


During the 2018 International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control from March 9th to 11th, the group members listened to the plenary lectures on disturbance observer from prof. K. Ohnishi, prof. A. avanovi and prof. R. Oboe. Yutang Wang made a report on the session discussion


This visiting expanded the research vision of our group in the field of motion control, and laid the foundation for publicizing our institute research, attracting international top talents and developing high-level international cooperation.

Prof. Tian Dapeng introduced PIFI program and presented PIFI materials and gifts to Japan researcher (Photo by CIOMP)

Visited She Laboratory and took a photo as a keepsake(Photo by CIOMP)

Communicated with researchers and students from Japan, USA, Australia and other counties. (Photo by CIOMP)

Prof. Uchimura and Prof. Nozaki showed their robots to our group(Photo by CIOMP)

Visited Shibaura Institute of Technology and took a photo with Ms. Sudo (Photo by CIOMP)


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