Author: | Dec 09, 2015
On behalf of the conference advisory committee and the organizing staff, we sincerely welcome you to the 2016 Light Conference, which will take place in July 4-8, 2016 in Changchun, China. This conference is co-sponsored by the two institutions that gave birth to optics in China and in the US, i.e., Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Rochester in the US. It is organized by the Editorial Department of journal of Light: Science & Applications (LSA).
The Light Conference shares the same platform as LSA, co-published by Nature Publishing Group and CIOMP. Following its short launch, LSA has rapidly reached a milestone with its 2014 Impact Factor at 14.6, ranking 2nd in all optics journals. At the same time, the 2016 Light Conference, with a strong advisory support from the LSA editorial board and staff, is set to present one of the most visible forums for researchers around the world to share ideas and research discoveries in the field of optics. Besides regular conference programs attended by renowned scientists around the world, the conference will also highlight exciting symposiums and events, such as Young Scientists Forum, Forum of Optics and Fine mechanics, LSA Editorial Board Meetings, and Nature Master Classes offered by Nature editors.
We would like to thank all speakers, poster presenters, attendees, and industrial representatives, for your participation and involvement. We also acknowledge the financial support from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), University of Rochester.
With a strong and vibrant optics community in the city of Changchun, along with attendance of world-class and emerging researchers around the global, we believe that you will find a rewarding experience by attending this conference. We look forward to welcoming you to this upcoming Light Conference in Changchun!
Light-matter interactions
Photon-induced processes
Ultrafast laser applications
High-power laser applications
Nonlinear optical phenomena
Optical phenomena in materials
Laser micro- and nano-fabrication
Optical-assisted surface processes
Plasmonics & metamaterials
Integrated photonics & optoelectronics
Light interacting with atoms/molecules
Optical diagnostics
Advanced imaging
Optical communication
Organic and bio-optical applications