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Light Conference Week 2023 was Successfully Hosted

Author: SUN Tingting |

Light Conference Week 2023 came to a successful conclusion on the afternoon of August 16th. The event was jointly organized by the International Day of Light Organizing Committee of UNESCO, Jilin Provincial People's Government, Changchun Municipal People's Government, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CIOMP,CAS), Chinese Optical Society (COS), IEEE Photonics Society, and China Science Daily, and co-hosted by Jilin Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Changchun Science and Technology Bureau, Light Publishing Group, ScienceNet.cn, iCANX, and the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CIOMP.

Light Conference Week 2023 was a globally influential academic event held under the auspices of the internationally renowned optical journal Light: Science & Applications (Light). The conference was themed "Light + Everything, Cooperation and Win-Win," focusing on the frontiers and hot topics of international optics, optical engineering, and related fields, and highlighting national major development strategies, innovations, and applications. It aimed to discuss the trends in science and industrial development in the optoelectronics field. The conference consisted of Plenary session, Ceremony of Wang Daheng’s Optical Prizes, Light 10 Social Influence Events (Light 10) and Light Outstanding Contributors/ Executive Editor-in-Chief (EIC)/Editors/Reviewers/Papers Awards, Light Doctoral League, invited sessions on Laser manufacturing and processing/Micro and nano photonics/Optical imaging and metrology/Optical communications and devices/Next-generation optics-related technologies/Terahertz technologies/New approaches for the design of the next generation of astronomic telescopes/Optical precision measurement/Advanced optoelectronic materials and devices/Multi-dimensional light field regulation and multifunctional applications/Advanced biomedical optical instruments/Optical Coatings. Additionally, the conference featured the Light Photonics Exhibition, providing a high-level platform for academic exchange, technological collaboration, and showcasing photonics products for nearly 500 optical experts, scholars, and representatives from 13 countries. 

Group photo of Light Conference Week 2023 (Image by Light)

Adhering to the concept of "Beyond Papers, Serving Development", to inspire and support outstanding young scholars in the optics fields to publish significant innovative achievements, Light held the National Finals and Award Ceremony of Light Doctoral Academic League 2023 on August 13. The finals adopted a combination of live and online broadcast, attracting nearly 80,000 viewers online. The finals were hosted by Yuhong Bai, Director of Light Publishing Group at CIOMP. Prof. Jianlin Cao, former Vice Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology of China and the Honorary EIC of Light, Prof. Haixia Zhang from Peking University and the founder of iCANX (online), Prof. Baojun Li from Jinan University as the representative of the regional organizers, and Dr. Bo Gu, President of Boston Photonics and the chairman of the judging committee, delivered speeches at the opening ceremony. A total of 20 contestants from 13 universities and research institutes, including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, gave academic presentations in order. The question-and-answer session was active and the comments from the instructor were insightful. After intense competition and rigorous evaluation by the judging committee, Yunhui Gao from Tsinghua University won the Special Prize of Light Doctoral Academic League 2023. Rui Pu from South China Normal University won the First Prize. Wenhe Jia from Tsinghua University and Songyun Gu from the Chinese University of Hong Kong won the Second Prize. Shuqi Mu from Peking University, Zhuo Wang and Shihan Hong from Zhejiang University, Runnan Zhang from South China University of Technology, Yanan Zhao from Jinan University, and Jihui Sun from Southwest Jiaotong University won the Third Prize. Other participants won the Outstanding Prize. In addition, Prof. Liangcai Cao from Tsinghua University, Prof. Qiuqiang Zhan from South China Normal University, Prof. Shih-Chi Chen from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Prof. Yuanmu Yang from Tsinghua University won the Outstanding Mentor Award. Prof. Baojun Li, the regional organizer for the South China region, Prof. Daoxin Dai, the regional organizer for the Strait region, and Prof. Zhiwei Lv, the regional organizer for the North China region were awarded the Outstanding Regional Organization Award. Ping Jia, Director of CIOMP, Prof. Haiyang Xu, President of Northeast Normal University, Prof. Qun Hao, Vice President of Changchun University of Science and Technology, Dr. Bo Gu, President of Boston Photonics, Prof. Hongbo Sun from Tsinghua University, Prof. Jianlin Zhao from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Prof. Zhanshan Wang from Tongji University, Dr. Haishui Ye and Dr. Yajun Niu from Huawei Co., Ltd. presented awards to the awarded students, mentors, and regional organizers as guest presenters. Director Ping Jia made a concluding speech at the closing ceremony, expressing thanks to all parties for their support, and wishing everyone a bright future.

Prof. BAI Yuhong, Director of Light Publishing Group hosted Light Doctoral Academic League 2023 (Image by Light)

Prof. CAO Jianlin, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Honorary EIC of Light, delivered a speech (Image by Light)

Online wishes from Prof. ZHANG Haixia from Peking University, founder of iCANX (Image by Light)

Prof. LI Baojun from Jinan University, representative of the regional organizers, delivered a speech (Image by Light)

Dr. GU Bo, President of Boston Photonics, the chairman of the judging committee, delivered a speech (Image by Light)

Prof. HAO Qun presented the award to the winner of the league's Special Prize (Image by Light)

Prof. XU Haiyang, Prof. ZHAO Jianlin, Prof. WANG Zhanshan, Dr. YE Haishui, Dr. NIU Yajun, Prof. SUN Hongbo and Dr. GU Bo presented the First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize and Outstanding Prize of the league (Image by Light)

Prof. SUN Hongbo and Dr. GU Bo presented awards to the Outstanding Mentors of the league (Image by Light)

Director JIA Ping presented the award to the Outstanding Regional Organizers (Image by Light)

Closing remarks by Director JIA Ping (Image by Light)

Group photo of Light Doctoral Academic League 2023 (Image by Light)

Aiming to discover the future talents in optical imaging and laser technology, the Doctoral Academic League 2023 --- Guanghua Star Selection was held on the morning of August 14th. The selection was hosted by Si Qin from Light Publishing Group, and the opening remarks were delivered by Prof. Jianli Wang, Vice Director of CIOMP. Following presentations and defenses by six participants from universities including Zhejiang University, Harbin Institute of Technology etc., and thorough deliberation and rigorous evaluation by the judging committee, Jincong Pang from Huazhong University of Science and Technology won the First Prize of Guanghua Star. Xuyang Zhou from Harbin Institute of Technology and Dapu Pi from Beijing Institute of Technology won the Second Prize, while Yichi Han from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ruiqi Tian from Beijing University of Technology, and Jiuhu Yan from Zhejiang University won the Third Prize. Vice Director Jianli Wang from CIOMP, Dr. Wei Tang and Dr. Haishui Ye from Huawei Co., Ltd., Prof. Liangcai Cao from Tsinghua University, Prof. Dangyuan Lei from City University of Hong Kong, and Prof. Liu Zhiyi from Zhejiang University presented the awards to the winning contestants. With this, Light Doctoral Academic League 2023, which lasted for 7 months and went through 10 regional selection competitions, 10 online top 100 points matches, the offline finals, and the Guanghua Star Selection, came to a successful conclusion. 

Dr. QIN Si from Light Publishing Group hosted Guanghua Star Selection (Image by Light)

Prof. WANG Jianli, Vice Director of CIOMP, delivered the opening remarks (Image by Light)

Prof. WANG Jianli, Vice Director of CIOMP, presented the First Prize of Guanghua Star (Image by Light)

Dr. TANG Wei, Dr. YE Haishui, Prof. CAO Liangcai, Prof. LEI Dangyuan and Prof. LIU Zhiyi presented awards to the Second Prize and Third Prize winners (Image by Light)

Dr. TANG Wei concluded the Guanghua Star Selection (Image by Light)

Group photo of the Guanghua Star Selection (Image by Light)

During the conference, more than 160 experts in the optics fields made brilliant academic presentations on 12 Track themes including Laser Manufacturing and Processing, Micro and Nano Photonics, Optical Imaging and Metrology, Optical communications and devices, Next-generation optics-related technologies, THz technology, New approaches for the design of the next generation of astronomic telescopes, Optical precision measurement (in Chinese), Advanced optoelectronic materials and devices (in Chinese), Multi-dimensional light field regulation and multifunctional applications (in Chinese), Advanced biomedical optical instruments (in Chinese), and Innovation development forum of Optical Coatings(in Chinese). Representative experts included Prof. Lin Li (Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering) from the University of Manchester, and Prof. Valery Tuchin (Member of Russian Academy of Sciences) from Saratov State University, Prof. Xi-Cheng Zhang (Foreign Member of Russian Academy of Sciences) from the University of Rochester, Prof. Andries Meijerink (Fellow of Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences) from Utrecht University, Prof. Anderson S L Gomes (Member of Brazilian Academy of Sciences) from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Prof. Martin Booth from the University of Oxford, Prof. Wolfgang Osten from the University of Stuttgart, Prof. Manijeh Razeghi from Northwestern University , Prof. Daping Chu from the University of Cambridge, Prof. Xingde Li from Johns Hopkins University, Prof. Wolfgang Freude from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Prof. Chunlei Guo from the University of Rochester, Prof. Juergen Czarske from the Technical University of Dresden, Prof. Grover Swartzlander from the Rochester Institute of Technology, Prof. Sang Soon Oh from Cardiff University, Prof. Andreas Ostendorf from Ruhr University Bochum, Prof. Xiaojun Wang from Georgia Southern University, Prof. Hrvoje Buljan from the University of Zagreb in Croatia, Prof. Xinwei Wang from Iowa State University, Prof. Nikolay Petrov from ITMO University, Prof. Jeff Kuhn from the University of Hawaii, Prof. Gunther Notni from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Prof. Myong Yong Choi from Kyungpook National University, Prof. Diaa Khalil from Ain Shams University, Prof. Shuang Zhang from the University of Hong Kong, Prof. Dingping Cai from City University of Hong Kong, Prof. Guilu Long from Tsinghua University, Prof. Kin-Seng Chiang from City University of Hong Kong, Prof. Boxun Wu from OPTORUN Co.Ltd., Japan, Prof. Xuejun Zhang and Prof Jianli Wang from CIOMP. They shared their latest research achievements and discussed the future development directions in the fields of optics.

Highlights of English tracks (Image by Light)

Highlights of Chinese tracks (Image by Light)

To discuss the current status and future direction of Light: Advanced Manufacturing (LAM), the LAM Editorial Board Meeting was held during Light Conference. The meeting was hosted by Wolfgang Osten, the Co-EIC of LAM, and attended by Co-EIC Jianlin Cao, Co-EIC Lianshan Yan, and more than 20 board members and editorial staff. Shuai Ding, the EIC Assistant of LAM, introduced the organizational structure of the editorial board, the editorial staff, and the journal's development. Since its establishment in 2021, LAM has published 117 papers from 76 research institutions in15 countries, including 73 original research articles, 41 reviews, and 3 letters. The average number of visits per published article is over 5000, with the highest citations of 97. LAM has organized special issues on Celebrating Holography after 60 years of successful application, Light Manipulation Based on Low Dimensional Optical Materials, sensors, and Sensor and Data-driven Laser Materials Processing, etc., aiming to publish cutting-edge breakthroughs in these relevant fields. LAM has been actively promoted through publishing corresponding News & Views in Light, the homepage highlight on the Light official website, as well as promotions on platforms such as EurekAlert, Twitter, Facebook, WeChat, and Weibo, by the EICs, editors, authors, and editorial staff at academic conferences and events. Currently, LAM has been indexed by Scopus/DOAJ/CNKI databases, and it is planned to be indexed by Science Citation Index in 2023, with the first impact factor expected to exceed 10. The attending EICs, editorial board members, and editorial staff engaged in lively discussions around inviting high-quality manuscripts, promoting and publicizing the journal, organizing themed special issues, and the future development of the journal. They enthusiastically shared their insights and suggestions to contribute to the growth of the LAM.

Prof. Wolfgang Osten, Co-EIC of LAM, hosted the Editorial Board Meeting (Image by Light)

Dr. DING Shuai, EIC Assistant of LAM, introduced LAM (Image by Light)

Discussions at LAM Editorial Board Meeting (Image by Light)

Group photo of LAM Editorial Board Meeting (Image by Light)

To comprehensively enhance the brand building and international influence of Light, the Light Editorial Board Meeting was held after a three-year hiatus. The meeting was hosted by Xi-Cheng Zhang, the Co-EIC of Light, with the attendance of Honorary EIC Jianlin Cao, Co-EIC Yunfeng Xiao, Executive EIC Hongbo Sun, and more than 20 editorial board members and editorial staff. Xi-Cheng Zhang provided an overview of the current status of Light. Since its launch, Light has published over 1600 high-quality papers, with a total citations exceeding 80,000 and an H-index of 139. In 2023, Light achieved an impact factor of 19.4, ranking among the top three international journals in the optics field for the ninth consecutive year and having the highest publication volume among the top five optical journals. Prof Zhang explained the specific process of manuscript handling, key considerations for inviting high-quality original and review papers, and various ways to promote and publicize the journal. He also provided a detailed introduction to the organizational structure and personnel composition of the current Light Editorial Board, including two honorary EICs, two Co-EICs, five Executive EICs and 60 editorial board members from 20 countries. During the meeting, the attending EICs, editorial board members, and editorial staff collectively discussed common issues encountered in the manuscript handling process and had in-depth discussions on topics including how to invite high-quality manuscripts and how to enhance the journal's influence, with the highly enthusiastic atmosphere. This Light Editorial Board Meeting held significant importance as it generated a range of constructive opinions and suggestions. These contributions serve to guide the active advancement of the journal's future development.

Prof. ZHANG Xi-Cheng, Co-EIC of Light, hosted the Light Editorial Board Meeting and introduced Light (Image by Light)

Discussions at Light Editorial Board Meeting (Image by Light)

 Light Editorial Board Meeting site (Image by Light)

Light Conference Week 2023 adopted a comprehensive format combining "Academic Conference + Academic Tracks + Academic League + Optoelectronics Exhibition + Award Ceremony", and provided a high-level platform for academic exchange and optoelectronic product showcasing for researchers, industry professionals, and scholars from both domestic and international communities, promoting the integration and coexistence of scientific innovation and talent development. The successful hosting of this conference has not only fostered cooperation and communication within the international optical community, but also injected new impetus into the innovation and development of optical science and technology in our country. The future of optics is full of infinite possibilities. The experts, scholars, and industry representatives from various countries will continue to join hands in pushing forward the further advancement of optical science and technology on a global scale. With the collective efforts of colleagues from all walks of life, the field of optics is poised to embrace an even brighter future!

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