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Light People: Prof. John Dudley

Author: GUO Chenzi |

The extreme spectral broadening of light in supercontinuum generation (SCG) is considered by many as the ultimate legacy of nonlinear optics. In this interview, Light: Science & Applications invited John Dudley [see the “Short Bio” section]—pioneer of supercontinuum generation, rogue waves, and ultrafast lasers—to share insight on how supercontinuum generation have evolved over the past decades and where it is heading. Also as the Steering Chair of UNESCO’s International Day of Light & International Year of Light (IDL & IYL), John is asked to share his comments on how light may influence post-pandemic World.

Short Bio: Dr., Prof. John Dudley received his Ph.D. from the University of Auckland and is currently a Professor at the University of Franche-Comité in Besancon, France. He is a Fellow of OSA, SPIE, IEEE, EOS, and an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Aparangi.

Dr. Dudley’s research covers a wide range of topics in ultrafast and nonlinear optics. In addition to early work in source development, he pioneered the use of advanced measurement techniques to characterize complex pulse propagation in nonlinear fiber optics, and contributed especially to the development of a clear understanding of the physics of fiber supercontinuum generation.

He has published over 500 contributions in journals & conference proceedings and delivered over 120 invited talks at major conferences. He served as the President of the European Physical Society from 2013 to 2015, and has served on a number of editorial boards and conference committees.

Dr. Dudley is also known for initiating the International Year of Light and chairing the Steering Committee of IYL and IDL. He is a keen educator in teaching undergraduate lectures and specialised graduate courses with both English and French.

Dr. Dudley is the recipient of the IXCore Fondation pour La Recherche Prize, the Grand Prix de l’Electronique Général FERRIé of the Société des Electriciens et Electroniciens, the Médaille d’Argent of the national French research agency CNRS, the SPIE President’s Award, the OSA Hopkins Leadership Award, the IOP President’s Medal and the APS Dwight Nicholson Medal for Outreach. In 2019 he was awarded the Harold E. Edgerton Award of SPIE recognizing his contributions to ultrashort pulse measurements in nonlinear fibre optics. In 2020 he was awarded the R. W. Wood Prize of OSA recognizing his contributions to explaining and interpreting the physics of fibre supercontinuum generation, and was elected an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Aparangi.

Link to article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41377-021-00653-z

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