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700 million Yuan! CIOMP Semiconductor Tech Top Commercialization Ranking in China

Author: WU Guoliang |

A semiconductor laser technology by the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is ranked the highest value research commercialization project in China, according to a latest report.

Released by the National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, the “2021 Annual Report on Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements in China (Colleges and Research Institutes)” studies the commercialization of research achievements of 3,554 Chinese universities, colleges and research institutes in the year 2020. It was released on June 29 in Beijing.

A semiconductor laser technology, made possible by high-end semiconductor laser chips developed by a team of scientists led by Academician Wang Lijun, was valued at 700 million yuan, taking the top spot as the most valuable technological commercialization project in 2020.

This technology lays the technological foundation of Jiguang Semiconductor Technology Co. Ltd, which was jointed founded by CIOMP and local governments. The report revealed that CIOMP took half the share of the company with its technology, while the Jilin Provincial Government, Changchun Municipal Government and the Changchun Economic Development Zone District Government joining force to provide 700 million in actual funding.

Jiguang Semiconductor will meet the urgent need for high-end semiconductor chips in China, which is crucial for the development of optical communication, intelligent sensing, quantum information and advanced manufacturing industries, said a company executive.

The company will continue to work with CIOMP to build itself into a world-leading semiconductor laser R&D base and help to train more researchers and engineers to help the further development of semiconductor laser technology in China.

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