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CIOMP Hosts International Experts to Inspire Young Researchers

Author: LIU Han |

On June 20th, CIOMP welcomed three leading experts in topological photonics: Professors Mercedeh Khajavikhan, Demetrios, and Zhigang Chen. Accompanied by Researcher Site Zhang and student members of the Optica & SPIE student chapters, these distinguished guests toured our state-of-the-art facilities and engaged in a dynamic symposium with our brightest young minds.
During the symposium, the experts unanimously emphasized the central role of innovation in scientific research. Professor Mercedeh pointed out that while it is easy to follow in the footsteps of predecessors, it can lead to intense competition, and innovation can demonstrate one's unique value and ideas.
Professor Demetrios mentioned that in the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, students will face the challenge of competing for jobs with AI in the future, and only through continuous innovation can they stand out in the job market.
Professor Chen particularly emphasized the importance of facing challenges and encouraged students to bravely confront difficulties. He believed that it is in challenges that individuals can achieve self-transcendence and growth. He also pointed out that creative work is the only way to future success, and young researchers should be brave enough to explore unknown fields.
The symposium buzzed with intellectual energy, leaving the students energized and inspired. Many said they are committed to pursue more daring and innovative research approaches, in order to become "young scientists" with an innovative spirit.
CIOMP hopes that exposure to international experts will help cultivate a new generation of researchers capable of pushing the boundaries in optical sciences. It plans to continue organizing similar events to support the development of young scientists in China.

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